Tuesday, 9 February 2016

COP1 Lecture 11: The Designer as Social Critic

The techniques of advertising have persistently been shown as lucrative, effective and a desirable use of us graphic designers, art directors and visual communicators' talents.

Encouraged towards this direction, the skills and imagination of designers are applied to sell products such as designer coffee, detergents, hair gel, sneakers etc. This has now become what graphic designers do and how the world perceives design.

There are those designers whose efforts are devoted towards advertising, marketing and brand developing. In turn they are supporting commercial messages that are changing the way consumers speak, think, feel, respond and interact.

There are many other issues more worthy of our attention and problem-solving skills. Unprecedented environmental, social and cultural crisis demand our attention. Cultural interventions, books, exhibitions, films, charitable causes etc. also require our help and expertise.

We propose that more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication are prioritised over product marketing. Consumerism must be challenged by other perspectives expressed through the visual languages and resources of design.

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