Wednesday, 27 April 2016

COP 1 Lecture 9: Modernism

Kaiserpanorama (1883) - a form of stereoscopic entertainment
in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Modernism is created through artist's and/or designer's intuitive responses. Modern suggests novelty and improvement.

As a result of Modernity a range of ideas and styles were created.

Anti-historicism sees no need to look back towards older styles, rather look towards aesthetic futurism in architecture. Styles with defy traditions and historicism.

Historicism - show regard for past styles.

Chronophotographic gun (1882) - an antique photographic technique from the Victorian era.

'Truth to material' is a principle of modern architecture which dictates that material must be used appropriately for simple geometric forms.

'Form follows function' is a concept relating to modernist architecture and industrial design of the 20th century. It follows the rule that an object or building must be shaped appropriately for it's function or purpose.

The Bauhaus (1919 to 1933) - school of art and design founded by German architect
Walter Gropius
Internationalism - supporting a greater political or economic cooperation among nations and peoples.
Within art this is interpreted as designing a language that can be easily understood on an international level.
Harry Beck, London Underground Map 1933

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