Tuesday 21 November 2017

Context of Practice 3 - Reference Images

Possible images that can be reference to illustrate and evidence points made about how characters I have chosen (Monkey D. Luffy, Bilbo Baggins and Captain America) relate to aspects I have identified within Joseph Campbell's book and Vladimir Propp's book.

Images that correlate to the hero leaving home for their adventure:

Luffy begins his journey

Bilbo begins his Journey

Steve Rogers before and after super soldier experiment
which allows him to go to war

Characters who have aided the hero in some way:

Luffy's inspiration, Red Haired Shanks

Bilbo's helper, Gandalf the Grey

Doctor who made the super soldier serum for Captain America, Dr Erskine

Moments when the characters experience despair and tragedy:

Luffy in despair after losing his crew

Luffy in despair after his brother's tragic death

Jinbei trying to help Luffy in his despair after brother's death

Smaug destroying Laketown

Bilbo witnesses one of the Dwarves, Thorin, dying

Captain America frozen in ice (1st film) due to sacrificing himself to stop a bomb

Captain America frozen in ice (avengers animated series)